Being part of production team really give me an opportunity to try and learn new things almost every week, that’s because sometimes they let me helping another team as well. As an intern I will find a time when I will be extremely busy helping production team and another time when I don’t really have anything to do, but whenever there is nothing I can help in production, my manager always let me to help another team, which give me an opportunity to learn more new things.
Today I am helping design team to cut some fabric for Preen new collection pre-fall 2018. I saw how design team was extremely busy preparing the collection. I think it is because they need to make loads of garment for the collection ready by the end of this week for photo shoot and second, because they normally have more than ten interns but now they only have about five people to help them, which I think not enough considering the amount of their work. When I did the cutting for them I realized that their way is slightly different from what I used to do, although, I found it more accurate. I am happy that in Preen I can learn so many things. In addition, because they use a lot of print I also learn to put the pattern on printed fabric in the right direction and placement first before I cut it so the print will still join together and going to the same direction even though they have seam.

Normally, all the interns will just help with cutting fabric or sewing beads or sequin to the fabric. They usually already have their own pattern cutter and tailor to make their pattern and sew the garment, yet sometimes if it is just making adjustment to the pattern or simple sewing they normally let the intern do it for them.
When I was helping design team, I was strictly not allowed to use my phone, that’s why I didn’t have any picture of me cutting the fabric in this blog. Even though I wasn't really happy with the rule, I do respect and follow the rule. I believe that they doing it because they believe it is not necessary for us to use our phone when cutting the fabric considering it will break down the concentration and make work slower. Nevertheless, It was really fun to help design team and gained more knowledge. I hope that I can learn and get much more experience at Preen.