London Fashion Week is coming!!! It’s time for my placement place, Preen by Thornton Bregazzi to launch their Autumn/ Winter 2019 collection. I am really happy that I had chance to help them again with the show. Although is not my first fashion week as I helped Preen by Thornton Bregazzi last year as well on their Spring/Summer collection show just after 2 weeks I started my placement, I still feel really excited for this. This time I got different role than before. On the previous fashion week I helped the show as a front of house, welcoming guests and buyers, and now I was at the backstage as a dresser, dressing the model.

Because I became the dresser I need to come way earlier before the show started, I came around 7 am to the venue to get some briefing about how we style the garment we have given to the models and make sure the garments are in perfect condition, for example if the garments need some re-stitch or steaming. I was given two models to dress at that time. It’s actually a bit difficult for me to handle since I have been given quite complicated looks and need to dress two models at the same time. So, I need to be super quick, otherwise the model will get annoyed or they will dress by themselves while they don’t really care with the garments and might ruin the garments.

It was an amazing experience for me to be part of London fashion week and learnt on what actually happened at the backstage before and during the show c. However, as a dresser I had difficulties coping with the models. If I can choose what role I want to be I will prefer to be front of house again. I personally think that being dresser is really difficult when you are given a difficult model. My experience as a dresser in this show wasn’t a very nice experience as my model is so difficult to handle. I couldn’t really tell her what to do without her getting upset or giving me a look. Still, despite all of that being part of London fashion week was a really nice experience to me. I keep want to do that again and again. I hope even though I had finished my internship I still can have a chance to help Preen by Thornton Bregazzi in their next fashion week.