This week has been busier for me as my placement place, Preen, wants to make some changes to their system to make everything nicer and more in control. This time my manager wants me and the other intern to re-order all fabrics they have and measuring how much the fabrics are, just in case they might use it again in the future for next collection obviously with different theme and touch. From this they hope they can keep on track all fabrics they have.

Before, whenever they have done using the fabrics for one season they put all that fabrics straight away in the grid and most of the time never come back again to the grid so most of fabrics become a waste. Therefore, now they want to check all fabrics and see if they can use some of them for the next collection so it will be more sustainable.

Basically all I did with the other intern is measure all the fabrics, cut swatches from them and put how much fabric they are in the folder. It is actually a bit boring since we need to measure all fabrics and re-roll them again nicely. Seeing that we have so many fabrics to measure, me and other intern both know that we will spend a while to finished the task, however, we apparently did it in about four days, which is faster that we expected. Although it was a bit boring, but because we need to find out the name and type of the fabric plus have chance to touch and feel all their fabric, I learn a lot about different type of fabrics, their name and standard of fabrics that designers use for their collection.

I feel that the knowledge of fabrics I got during my placement will help me a lot to do my collection in my final year. I really hope it will guide me to choose the right fabric for my collection. As we know that when we make a garment beside style and silhouette, fabric take an important part to make the garment perfect.
In conclusion, beside a little bit boredom I got during this task, I got incredibly a lot of knowledge about fabrics that will be very useful for my final year.