If last time I was helping my team unpack sample sale boxes full of garments and hang them on the rail as well as price them to go on sale. Now I am helping my production team sort all the sample garments that will go to sample sale then put them in spreadsheet.
As we know, before any fashion company or brands mass-produce their clothes, they usually make sample first that we know as pre-production sample. If the company approved the sample they will then start doing mass production for that garments. Most company usually only make one sample per style, however if the manufacturer make any mistake in their sample, it is not impossible they can make up to 3 or 5 sample for one style.
At Preen, every time they are finished with one season and move on to another season. All the sample from last season will go to sample sale, since they will not need it anymore. And since we have so many sample sale garments that will go on sale we need to put it in loads boxes and store it in storeroom.

Preen only hold sample sale twice a year once in June and the other one in December, they will not sale any sample in any other months other than that months, because of that, me and the other production intern need to tidy up the storeroom so they can store all the boxes and keep the garments save until June.Although tidying up the storeroom it's quite tiring as we need to lift a lot of boxes, everything else we do especially sorting the sample sale garments is pretty fun and chill.
One of the big thing I learned in my internship as a production intern is an organisational skill. In my internship I am not only deal with fabric and sample, I also do a lot of organising thing, it is train me a lot to be an organised person, I was quite disorganised before which make me feel stress every time I am under pressured especially during my deadline, as I cannot organise my job very well but now I am being much more organised and can handle my pressure and stress better. Plus my manager and everyone in my team are always give me support every time I need anything and that make me really comfortable being an intern at Preen.